[hpsdr] Flynn

Stijn stijn at pe1rks.nl
Wed Mar 23 08:11:26 PDT 2011

Hi Chris and group,

I do think that this procedure has made it to the list sometime, it is 
the procedure that I was also using.
At this point and only concerning the programming of cards, I think 
Metis is a downgrade. It would be great if we could get that 
functionality back. Not necessarily using Quartus, using HPSDR 
programmer or a similar program would also do. I would just get rid of 
the need of pulling cards to up- or downgrade firmware.
Don't see this as criticism against Metis or it's developers, as an 
interface for the radio I think it is a giant leap forward against Ozy.

73 de Stijn PE1RKS

Still enjoying the new possibilities given by Metis.

Op 23-03-11 15:14, Chris Smith schreef:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Very slick demo on youtube. Many thanks.
> I'm a little confused though. Roland Etienne F8CHK wrote a procedure for programming any card in situ using Altera Quartus Programmer II through Ozy. This required that Ozy was in the Atlas slot furthest from the power connector, that there were no empty slots between cards and that there was the last JTAG jumper on the left-hand most card (usually Mercury). The procedure assumed that Ozy had been loaded with USBBlaster code but the software allowed the operator to update the code on ANY of the cards in the chain.
> Does a similar facility exist on Metis to allow this USBBlaster emulation? Otherwise it seems to me to be a retrograde step to have to pull the card you want to program, install the jumper, program and then remove the jumper.
> I took Roland's document and tried to make it as idiot proof as I could and tested the procedure by way of verifying the text before feeding it back to Roland. I'm not sure if Roland ever publish the procedure on the OpenHPSDR web site but it is a very useful tool.
> Cheers&  73
> Chris G4NUX
> On 23 Mar 2011, at 13:41, Kevin Wheatley wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Jeremy thanks for the youtube upload of Flynn,
>> A demonstration of Flynn, an alternative to the HPSDRProgrammer.
>> I'll have to grab myself a copy :)
>> Here's a link for those who haven't subscribed to Jeremy's channel:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zrBUEXhYVU&feature=uploademail
>> 73's
>> Kevin
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