[hpsdr] Flynn

Chris Smith chris at vspl.co.uk
Wed Mar 23 09:34:07 PDT 2011

Hi Bill

I thought that might be the case. I've never written a driver for Windows - I looked into it a long time ago but baulked at the arcane API (compared to UNIX that is). Shame, though some masochist  might take it on. :-)

Incidentally, using Roland's procedure and Ozy I believe that the Last JTAG jumper need not be installed at all if Excalibur is the last card in the chain as that provides the end of line turn-around.

Cheers & 73
Chris G4NUX

On 23 Mar 2011, at 15:54, Bill Tracey wrote:

> No ... the USBBlaster emulation was done using USB JTAG from <http://www.ixo.de/info/usb_jtag/>http://www.ixo.de/info/usb_jtag/ - this was fairly easy because we had and FX2 USB connection on Ozy and someone had done code to make the FX2 emulate an Altera USB Blaster.  We owe  kolja waschk, the author of USB JTAG a bit of thanks for making his code available for the world to use.
> To do the same for Metis would be a *lot of work* .... you'd have to do a windows device driver that appeared to be a USB device (an Altera USB Blaster)  to the Altera programmer code but then talked to Metis via the Ethernet.  This would be a trival amount of work ... don't think we have too many folks on the crew fond of writing Windows device drivers.
> Regards,
> Bill
> At 09:14 AM 3/23/2011, Chris Smith wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> <...snip...>
>> Does a similar facility exist on Metis to allow this USBBlaster emulation? Otherwise it seems to me to be a retrograde step to have to pull the card you want to program, install the jumper, program and then remove the jumper.
>> <...snip...>
>> Cheers & 73
>> Chris G4NUX

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