[hpsdr] Flynn

Bill Tracey bill at ewjt.com
Wed Mar 23 10:48:27 PDT 2011

Ugh - I left out a word in this post ... the last sentence of the 2nd 
para should read:

This would *NOT* be a trival amount of work ... don't think we have 
too many folks on the crew fond of writing Windows device drivers.



At 10:54 AM 3/23/2011, Bill Tracey wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>No ... the USBBlaster emulation was done using USB JTAG from 
><http://www.ixo.de/info/usb_jtag/>http://www.ixo.de/info/usb_jtag/ - 
>this was fairly easy because we had and FX2 USB connection on Ozy 
>and someone had done code to make the FX2 emulate an Altera USB 
>Blaster.  We owe  kolja waschk, the author of USB JTAG a bit of 
>thanks for making his code available for the world to use.
>To do the same for Metis would be a *lot of work* .... you'd have to 
>do a windows device driver that appeared to be a USB device (an 
>Altera USB Blaster)  to the Altera programmer code but then talked 
>to Metis via the Ethernet.  This would be a trival amount of work 
>... don't think we have too many folks on the crew fond of writing 
>Windows device drivers.

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