[hpsdr] Help updating firmware

Bill Tracey bill at ewjt.com
Sat Mar 26 12:32:28 PDT 2011

Hmmmm ...you've probably still got a version mismatch somewhere ... 
what version  of PowerSDR (what does it say in the title bar - 
callsign and date).

Does it work with just Mercury?  or just Penny?   What OS level are 
you running?

If you run  initozy11.bat by hand from a command prompt does it 
appear to be able to load the FX2 and FPGA correctly - eg. run
         initozy11.bat >runlog.txt 2>&1

I'd be interested to see the output of runlog.txt to see if it has 
any errors on loading the fx2 or the fpga.

Also try running PowerSDR.exe >runglog2.txt  2>&1 - I'd be interested 
in seeing the output of runlog2.txt

You can also run PowerSDR.exe 
----no-firmware-version-check >runlog3.txt 2>&1  - this will force to 
ignore the firmware version check.  It likely won't work but the 
runlog3.txt file may give us some more info.


Bill (kd5tfd)

At 01:05 PM 3/26/2011, David Woodhead wrote:
>OK thanks Bill.
>I was able to update Pennelope to V1.3 and Mercury to V2.9 
>successfully. I did find that the Mercury update Bat file needs 
>updating to support the latest version of Quartus but that was a simple edit.
>But when I run PowerSDR I still get the same message
>Invalid Firmware Level
>Ozy>=13, Penelope>=12, Mercury>=27.
>Any ideas?


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