[hpsdr] First report from Dayton
Sid Boyce
g3vbv at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon May 23 06:47:54 PDT 2011
No mention of Hermes I notice. I thought that was going to be one of the
highlights of Dayton.
73 ... Sid.
On 22/05/11 23:32, george byrkit wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Dear all,
> Since I travelled less distance than most who were at the TAPR booth at
> Dayton, and I'm already home (have been for 2.5 hours now, at 6:30PM EDT in
> the US), I'll say a few things.
> First, the TAPR forum on Friday at 9:15 AM was well attended. And the
> presentations by Steve Bible, Scotty Cowling, Phil Harman and Bruce Perens
> was very well received. Phil spoke on his 'Griffin' project (not TAPR
> related that I know of for funding), which uses the 'chirp' technique to get
> the same effect of a very high power beacon from only say 10 watts. Phil
> then stunned us when he showed data of this technique being used on 20m as a
> real-time propagation analyzer (NOT predictor)!
> The Amsat/TAPR dinner that evening offered a good, collegial gathering after
> a long day at the booth. Saturday saw lots of hams stop at TAPR and take a
> look at our open HPSDR project, its hardware and software. The booth was
> ably staffed, and many hams who had this kit who were at Dayton stopped by
> for extended periods of time to participate in building community.
> Saturday night saw many of us in the booth of to Tom's house (an old friend
> of John Ackerman), just north of Dayton, for a more relaxing evening. We
> were joined by Kjell and 5 or 6 of his Norwegian ham friends who were all at
> Dayton.
> This morning saw somewhat sparser visits by Hamvention visitors to the
> booth, but the 'usual suspects' were all there to greet and converse with
> whomever showed up. About Noon the packing was well underway, and about
> then John Ackerman left, followed or slightly preceeded by me. The others
> were all packing, giving each other going-away parting wishes, and vowing to
> meet to 'do it again next year'.
> It was a job well done by the TAPR officers, board, hangers-on and others.
> If I tried to list all names, I'd surely leave a few out and accidentally
> maybe offend someone, which I would never want to do! It was good to meet
> Phil, with whom I have only spoken previously on Teamspeak or Skype. It was
> good to meet others who post on this list, whether asking questions or often
> answering them.
> I'm tired and my feet hurt!
> 73,
> George Byrkit, K9TRV
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Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
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