[hpsdr] Need Hermes / Windows XP help

John radio at mediacombb.net
Sun Dec 16 11:21:32 PST 2012

I got up enough courage today to power up Hermes for the first time.  
All the power supply diodes light and D6 flashes OK.

However, no LED are lighted all the time.  LED 4 blinks about twice/sec 
and LED 8 blinks about four blinks/sec.

Am I right that Hermes is not finding the ethernet from my PC card?

My PC has an ether net card that has not been used in a few years.  When 
it was used, it was used to connect to the Internet through another PC.  
Today, it connects to the Internet via a wireless card.

It is quite likely I have done something that disabled the ethernet 
card, but I have no memory of it.  Can someone make some suggestions?

John,  WoGN

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