[hpsdr] CW Skimmer and Mercury receiver
Dave Larsen
kv0s.dave at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 13:56:28 PST 2012
Folks --
I will tell you that the software communication between the software
and hardware are identical for Metis and Hermes. PowerSDR, Kiss
Konsole, cuSDR, and ghpsdr3 worked on Hermes with no changes so it is
likely if Alex make a Hermes version it should be able to run with
Dave KV0S
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Rob Frohne <rob.frohne at wallawalla.edu> wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Jacques, et. al.,
> We really need an open source version of CW Skimmer. I started with a class project for such a thing (CWRobot), but it doesn't even begin to compete with Alex's CW Skimmer, and needs a lot more work, though we did have it decoding multiple signals. This year again, when I teach Communications Systems in the spring, I plan to have the students work on it some more. In the mean time, any ideas on the best algorithms would be very welcome. Alex is a very bright mathematician, engineer and programmer. I know he is using Bayesian statistics, but that is pretty broad. It won't be easy catching up to him.
> 73,
> Rob
> On 12/16/2012 09:24 AM, f6bki at orange.fr wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello All, I think it is working with Mercury if you use OZY but if you use Metis ( like me ) it is not supported.
> I have already asked Alex VE3NEA to have CWSkimmer supported with Metis and he told me it will be suported with Hermes and the suport for Metis is not in is list .
> Maybe if a lot of people ask Alex he might change his priorities ???
> 73
> Jacques F6BKI
> -----Message d'origine----- From: afghound at roadrunner.com
> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 12:29 PM
> To: hpsdr at openhpsdr.org
> Subject: [hpsdr] CW Skimmer and Mercury receiver
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Has anyone been able to get CW Skimmer to work with the Mercury
> option selected?
> I know there was a site that explains how to move two files to
> make this happen, but I can't find it now.
> I do have the skimmer working with the "softrock IF" option, but
> would like to see if the Mercury selection would produce a cleaner
> display image.
> Glen K8CZC
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> --
> Rob Frohne, PhD, PE
> Professor
> EF Cross School of Engineering
> Walla Walla University
> 100 SW 4th Street
> College Place, WA 99324
> (509) 527-2075
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KV0S - Dave Larsen
Columbia, MO, USA
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