[hpsdr] CW Skimmer and Mercury receiver
Phil Harman
phil at pharman.org
Sun Dec 16 17:18:03 PST 2012
Perhaps I can shed some light on the CW Skimmer question.
Alex, VE3NEA, wrote a special version of Mercury and Ozy code for use with
CW Skimmer. This used the JTAG bus on Alex to load the new code into
Mercury when his code was run. I can't remember the full details but it
may have implemented seven individual receivers.
Alex is presently working his magic on the Hermes code to convert my
scratchings in the sand to his usual level of software perfection.
Part of this will be to provide CW Skimmer support. Its a big job to
rewrite all the code from scratch so please be patient.
Since much of the Hermes code is common to the HPSDR board set then it
will be possible (by others) to migrate Alex's new code into Metis - hence
his comment about not supporting Metis.
73 Phil...VK6APH
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Anyone know how to do this?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henk PA5KT [mailto:pa5kt at remijn.net]
> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:10 PM
> To: f6bki at orange.fr
> Cc: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] CW Skimmer and Mercury receiver
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> I had it running for years. Even recorded the CQWW 160m contest once for
> the
> contest committee.
> But, with Ozy and not with Metis.
> Since I replaced Ozy with Metis, and my HPSDR system is not within
> "USB"-distance I stopped running CW Skimmer.
> You can also use PowerSDR with VAC and direct the I/Q signal to skimmer.
> This will work with Metis.
> 73 Henk PA5KT
> Op 16-12-2012 22:57, f6bki at orange.fr schreef:
>> Henk , is it really working on your side ?
>> 73
>> Jacques F6BKI
>> -----Message d'origine----- From: Henk PA5KT
>> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 7:47 PM
>> To: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
>> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] CW Skimmer and Mercury receiver
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> In the skimmer Help:
>> Configuration->Radio->HPSDR Mercury.
>> 73 Henk PA5KT
>> Op 16-12-2012 13:29, afghound at roadrunner.com schreef:
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> Has anyone been able to get CW Skimmer to work with the Mercury
>>> option selected?
>>> I know there was a site that explains how to move two files to make
>>> this happen, but I can't find it now.
>>> I do have the skimmer working with the "softrock IF" option, but
>>> would like to see if the Mercury selection would produce a cleaner
>>> display image.
>>> Glen K8CZC
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