[hpsdr] Alex coupler w/Hermes

John radio at mediacombb.net
Fri Dec 21 10:28:12 PST 2012

Thanks Joe.

I switched to the RX2 v. 2.2.6, but it still isn't reading FWD or REV 
power.  On Hermes J19 I measure 115mV FWD and 6 mV REV with my DVM when 
I transmitt into my 50 Ohm load.

There must me something in PowerSDR selections that I'm missing.  Any ideas?

John   WoGN

On 12/21/2012 10:04 AM, Joe Martin K5SO wrote:
> Hi John,
> When testing out your system I firmly believe that you should always use the latest software and firmware, then after ascertaining in that way that your hardware connections are correct and that your system is operating normally, you may test earlier versions of software or firmware as you desire to see if things still work for you.  If they don't, then you've answered your own question.
> The current version of RX2 PowerSDR is v2.2.6 dated 12 December 2012;  Hermes is v2.0.
> Using the current versions of PowerSDR and Hermes, FWD/REF power work fine with Alex here.
> 73,  Joe K5SO
> On Dec 21, 2012, at 7:42 AM, John wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Should I be able to measure FWD/RFL power using Hermes with Alex and PowerSDR (v. 2.2.3)?
>> With a straight key connected to Hermes I hear sidetone and relays clicks in Alex when the key is closed, but see no indication of FWD or RFL power on the PowerSDR presentation.    I have tried with Alex ANT 1 connected to my antenna and also to a 50 Ohm dummy load.  Hermes TXout (J3) is connected to Alex 'From TX'.
>> If I run the Wizzard, the Alex relays seem to click randomly in receive and I have to stop Hermes in PowerSDR to stop the clicking relays.
>> Hermes firmware was updated earlier this week.
>> John,  W0GN

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