[hpsdr] Run this test for me, and see if I have a problem, or HPSDR has one, or FlexRadio has one

ct1izu ct1izu at sapo.pt
Thu Feb 16 11:37:19 PST 2012

> Mine won't go up past 1.005MHz. Anyone else have this problem? It only 
> does it with OpenHPSDR 2.x.x.; OpenHPSDR 1.x.x. works like it should.
> OpenHPSDR 2.x.x is where the additional step sizes were added!

Yes same here. I can drag it past ok though.
Also note  WWV selection does not appear to activate my bandpass filters.
Have version 2.2.3 insatalled.
Shel CT1IZU 


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