[hpsdr] Receive Only
Joe Martin K5SO
k5so at valornet.com
Thu Mar 29 15:10:45 PDT 2012
Hi Pat,
It wasn't me that changed that characteristic in PowerSDR, OM, but I'm sure I could figure out for you how to keep the "receive only" control active in that one panel you reference. However, as I indicated to you privately earlier, there may be other changes that have been made in the program as well that will affect your ability to key the external transmitter in the manner you used to do it so I need to understand how you are trying to key your external rig.
Here, for keying of an external transmitter, I use the open-collector outputs on Penelope to key the external radios, even though I don't use Penelope for any rf output in such a case, but since you obviously use an arrangement that is different than that I need to know what output you are trying to use to key your external transmitter before I can assure you that any changes I put in for you will work for you. It is highly likely that the issue is more complex than simply activitating that single control as you request. Help me understand your desired configuration and I'll be happy to assist.
1) Do you use the open-collector outputs on Mercury for that and tie into the Alex/Mercury ribbon cable?
2) Do you not have Alex in your system?
3) Do you use some other connection configuration? …if so, what?
I can imagine any of a range of possibilities there that might work so, once again, please tell me how you are trying to configure your keying for the external transmitter and I'll be pleased to work on it for you.
73, Joe K5SO
On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Pat McGrath wrote:
> I do not have Penelope . Can you please restore the capability to choose the
> option as required?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Martin K5SO [mailto:k5so at valornet.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 1:42 PM
> To: HPSDR list
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Receive Only
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Pat,
> The "Receive Only" control is grayed out when Penelope is not selected in
> the hardware setup. The control becomes active if "Penelope" is checked as
> being present.
> 73, Joe K5SO
> On Mar 26, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Pat McGrath wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> The "receive Only" box under Hardware Config in Powersdr is grayed out.
>> Prior editions such as Powersdr allowed the user to decide
>> whether Receive only or not.
>> Can this option be restored?
>> Please help.
>> Pat McGrath
>> Ka6tya
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