[hpsdr] New Metis and Ozy code released.

Phil Harman phil at pharman.org
Fri Oct 26 23:07:32 PDT 2012


New versions of Metis and Ozy code will shortly be available.  These are 
Metis V2.1 and Ozy V2.3.

Relative to Metis v2.0, Metis v2.1 fixes a bug in Rx frequency  assignments 
that resulted in improper Rx frequency assignments
when certain hardware configurations/PC options were selected.

Relative to Ozy_Janus v2.3, Ozy_Janus v2.4 fixes a bug in Rx frequency 
assignments that resulted in improper frequency  assignments
when certain hardware configurations/PC options were selected and fixes a 
bug in selection of  the 122.88 MHz clock at power up when Penelope is 
chosen as the 122.88 MHz source.

Ozy_Janus V2.3 will be incorporated in the next available releases of 
PowerSDR and KISS Konsole.

Thanks to George, K9TRV, for identifying the Rx frequency assignments bug 
and Joe, K5SO, for the solution.

This problem did not affect Hermes hence no code update is required for this 

73 Phil...VK6APH

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