[hpsdr] KK, PowerSDR installers, KK issues with new firmware

George Byrkit ghbyrkit at chartermi.net
Fri Oct 26 11:19:38 PDT 2012

Dear All,

After some tests, I have determined the following:
1) both KISS Konsole and PowerSDR have been built to use the FULL .Net Framework 4.0
2) the installer for both does NOT accept the CLIENT Profile for .Net Framework 4.0, as I
had expected.

So, I have advised Doug W5WC of this, and have advised him to change PowerSDR to use the
Client Profile rather than the FULL install of  .Net 4.0.  I have made the same change for
KISS Konsole as well.  I have modified the installer to check for the Client Profile of
.Net Framework 4.0.  The installer accepts the FULL install of .Net 4.0.  Once all this is
done and posted, people should be able to use either the full or client profile install of
.Net Framework 4.0 successfully.

This will result in KISS Konsole 1.1.21.  Don't know what the resulting versions for
PowerSDR will be, Doug will of course advise on that.

On the firmware front, after working with Joe K5SO, he had determined that Metis V1.9 and
Metis V2.0 and Ozy V2.3 all have issues when running NOT in 'Duplex' mode.  He is
preparing new versions (Metis 2.1 and presumably Ozy 2.4) of the firmware which will fix
this problem.  In the meantime, users of KISS Konsole can make sure that 'mute RX on TX'
is UNCHECKED, which is the equivalent of 'Duplex', and will mitigate the problem in the
interim until the new firmware is issued and installed.

The KISS Konsole 1.1.21 will advise users if they have any of the offending firmware
versions that they should update the firmware.  Users of Hermes are NOT, I repeat, NOT
affected by this problem, according to Joe.

George Byrkit, K9TRV

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