[hpsdr] Hams using SDR to experiment with LTE?
Jeremy McDermond
mcdermj at xenotropic.com
Mon Feb 4 08:04:46 PST 2013
On Feb 3, 2013, at 6:03 PM, "Daniel Yang" <dpyang at cox.net> wrote:
> Question: Is there a group of hams experimenting with LTE for ham bands (e.g. 420 and 902 MHz bands), along the lines of this video: http://youtu.be/7vnz0S52hM0 ?
Not that I'm aware of. Maybe some other folks have other experiences.
> Can I use OpenHDSDR hardware (in lieu of Ettus' USRP) to do such experiments? (A similar question has been sent to the uWSDR Project.)
Tom McDermott has written a GNU Radio module for the OpenHPSDR hardware. I'm not sure of the maturity level of the project, since it's relatively new. Once that project is done, it should allow the OpenHPSDR hardware to do some of the duties of a USRP.
Do note, however, that the OpenHPSDR hardware is designed to cover the HF+6M bands. To reach 420 and 902MHz, you'd have to come up with some sort of transverter or other method of upconversion to get into the right frequency range. The approximate bandwidth of the OpenHPSDR rig is 60Mhz or so, and this should be wide enough to handle LTE, which supposedly has a maximum channel bandwidth of 20MHz.
I don't think anyone has tried it, although it seems to be theoretically possible. This means that much of it is going to be an exercise for the reader and YMMV.
> Thanks,
> Dan
Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
Xenotropic Systems
mcdermj at xenotropic.com
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