[hpsdr] Updating an old HPSDR board set

Dale Boresz dmb at lightstream.net
Mon Feb 25 08:45:01 PST 2013


I tried the old v8.1 Quartus and got a little bit further, but get this 

usb_find_busses returned: 1
usb_find_devices returned: 1
ResetCPU(true).......returns 1
UploadFirmware('\ozyfw-sdr1k.hex\')...HPSDR_UploadFirmware: Processed 
740 lines.

...returns 740
ResetCPU(false).......returns 1

usb_find_busses returned: 1
usb_find_devices returned: 1
75596 bytes transferred.
LoadFPGA succeeded!

usb_find_busses returned: 1
usb_find_devices returned: 1
ResetCPU(true).......returns 1
UploadFirmware('\std.hex\')...HPSDR_UploadFirmware: Processed 432 lines.
...returns 432
ResetCPU(false).......returns 1

Which version of the Quartus Programmer are you using?

  1. Quartus V8.1
  2. Quartus V9.0
  3. Quartus V9.0sp1
  4. Quartus V9.0sp2
  5. Quartus V9.1
  6. Quartus V9.1sp1
  7. Quartus V9.1sp2
  8. Quartus 10.0
  9. Quartus V10.1sp1
  A. Quartus V11.0sp1
  B. Quartus V11.1sp2
  C. Quartus v12.1
  Q. Quit

Type the number and press Enter:1

A. Program using Mercury_v1
B. Program using Mercury_v2.1
C. Program using Mercury_v2.2
D. Program using Mercury_v2.3
E. Program using Mercury_v2.4
F. Program using Mercury_v2.5
G. Program using Mercury_v2.6
H. Program using Mercury_v2.7
I. Program using Mercury_v2.8
J. Program using Mercury_v2.9a
K. Program using Mercury_Apollo_Test ** not for general use!
L. Program using Mercury_v3.0
Leu. Program using Mercury_eu_V3.0
M. Program using Mercury_v3.1
N. Program using Mercury_v3.2
O. Program using Mercury_v3.3
Oeu. Program using Mercury_eu_v3.3

Z. Mercury Test (carrier at 7.68MHz)
Q. Quit

Type the letter and press Enter:o

Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus II Programmer
     Info: Version 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version
     Info: Copyright (C) 1991-2008 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
     Info: Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
     Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
     Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
     Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
     Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
     Info: to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
     Info: Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
     Info: Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
     Info: without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
     Info: programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
     Info: Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the
     Info: applicable agreement for further details.
     Info: Processing started: Mon Feb 25 11:42:39 2013
Info: Command: quartus_pgm -c USB-Blaster mercury_v3.3.cdf
Info: Using programming cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]"
Info: Started Programmer operation at Mon Feb 25 11:42:42 2013
Error: Can't access JTAG chain
Error: Operation failed
Info: Ended Programmer operation at Mon Feb 25 11:42:42 2013
Error: Quartus II Programmer was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
     Error: Peak virtual memory: 62 megabytes
     Error: Processing ended: Mon Feb 25 11:42:42 2013
     Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:03
     Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01
Press any key to continue . . .

On 2/25/2013 9:58 AM, Joe Martin K5SO wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> Yes, your firmware and software are old, you definitely should update them.  The current firmware versions for your boards are:
> Mercury_v3.3
> Penelope_v1.7
> Ozy_v2.4 (this file is contained in the PowerSDR distribution folder and is loaded automatically by initOzy11.bat when you run PowerSDR)
> Current OpenHPSDR PowerSDR versions from Doug W5WC are:
> RX1:  v2.2.6 (2/1/13)
> RX2:  v2.2.9 (1/19/13)
> You do need to update your USBBinaries-Blaster folder, as the current USBBinaries-Blaster folder contains the firmware mentioned above.  Instructions for using Ozy to load the firmware haven’t changed since you last updated your system and the procedure is still given in detail in the README file in the USBBinaries-Blaster folder.
> You may use your present version of qprogrammer v8.1 to update your Mercury and Penelope boards.  You need not update to Altera’s latest v12.1 if you don’t wish to take time to do that.
> You need not worry about obtaining Winpcap until you obtain a Metis board, as the Winpcap dll is used only by the HPSDRProgrammer program to update boards via Metis.   Winpcap has nothing to do with updating using Ozy with the USBBinaries-Blaster files.
> You will find many improvements and enhancements with the new firmware and software relative to what you used earlier.
> 73,  Joe K5SO


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