[hpsdr] New HPSDR/P*SDR Release - Display, 384K, and more

w3sz 73w3sz at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 10:49:39 PST 2013

Excellent work, Warren and Doug!

It is great to have large FFT sizes available in the "stock" PowerSDR.  
Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Also, having the 16K buffer size for CW filters makes a huge difference 
in the steepness of CW filter skirts when running at 192K sampling rate 
and above.  Thank you so much, again!

Users need to realize that if they make certain changes in settings 
while PowerSDR is receiving, they will cause a lockup of PowerSDR and 
they likely will then need to reset the Database.  This occurs if 
something such as a buffer size is changed that cannot be changed while 
the system is running without causing an error.  So if you want to make 
such a change, save yourself some grief by first clicking the "Start" 
button to turn off the receiver.  Then make your change, and then 
restart the receiver.  If in doubt, click "Start" to turn off the 
receiver before changing a buffer size or buffer characteristic that 
would reasonably be expected to break the software if it were changed 
while the software was running.

A couple examples of settings changes that can cause this are:

changing  DSP>>Options>>Buffer Size for any of RX/TX CW/Phone.

selecting Stereo for Audio>>VAC1 while VAC1 enabled

Note that these issues are NOT due to bugs in the software.  Making 
these changes while the software is running is akin to throwing your 
transmission into reverse when barreling down the highway at 120 MPH in 
your Corvette...its not GM's fault when something bad happens under that 

Thanks again Doug and Warren for another great step forward in the 
PowerSDR for HPSDR!!


Roger Rehr


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