[hpsdr] cuSDR64 Linux Settings?
Berndt Josef Wulf
wulf at ping.net.au
Sun Oct 13 15:26:27 PDT 2013
G'day Sid,
which version of cuSDR64 are you running?
cuSDR64 uses files called settings.ini and WindowsSettings.ini.
Looking at the source file, these files are stored in the directory
where the cuSDR64 executable resides. In my case its in the
~/cuSDR64/bin directory.
QSettings settings(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/" +
m_windowsSettingsFilename, QSettings::IniFormat);
If you saved the file say in /usr/bin, it will not be able to create the
settings files due to lack of privileges. In this case, create a ~/bin
directory and place the cuSDR64 binaries in there.
An easy way of checking that it uses the correct files is by setting
your call-sign from the "display-menu" and close the application. Your
call-sign should show once you start again.
Does this make sense?
73, Berndt
On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 21:04 +0100, Sid Boyce wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> I see there is settings.ini for Windows.
> With Linux, everytime cuSDR64 is started it always comes up needing
> settings to be done.
> I don't see a way of saving the settings.
> 73 ... Sid.
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