[hpsdr] computers

AA8K73 GMail aa8k73 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 16:54:00 PST 2014

Frank, check with Neal Campbell K3NC
he builds PCs specially tuned for SDR.

On 14-01-20 06:44 PM, FRANCIS CARCIA wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi all,
> My Dell Precision 650 dual dual core is running out of steam so
> looking to buy my second new computer.
> My first was a 80386. I'm looking at an i7 with 8GB of RAM. I'm
> looking at the Optiplex 9020 and the XPS8700. The 8700 has
> better specs but has a butt ugly case. Opinion requested.
> Life it to short to build one  and it doesn't look like it will
> save any cash. I'm hoping to do this for $1k.
> Frank

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