[hpsdr] PowerSDR, cuSDR - dual/triple RX
georg Prinz
getpri at t-online.de
Wed Jan 22 08:27:29 PST 2014
after some time I tried my multi-RX hpsdr System but without success.
1. PowerSDR mRX v. 3.2.1(12.23.13) does not recognize neither second RX
(Version number showed under setup is 0.0).
2. Dual Mercury and triple Mercury and DF-release by Joe show fatal error
after program start.
3. CuSDR recognizes two Mercuries. One with 10MHz the other with 122.88MHz.
It works but there is no sound at the mercury audio output plug.
Once, during testing I got an error message, that PowerSDR is unable to
set I2C speed to 400kHz.
Unfortunately this didn´t show up repeatedly.
Is there a general problem with multiRX systems at the time beeing or
did I miss
Any idea?
73, Georg, dl2kp
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