[hpsdr] Munin C25-C27 / IMD3
georg Prinz
getpri at t-online.de
Fri Jan 24 06:26:30 PST 2014
I was curious about the different behaviour between mica capacitors and
SMD ceramic capacitors C25 to C27. Therefore I replaced the mica through
4x 220pf SMD.
The result was marginal. But, what is interesting for both versions,
that the IMD3 differs strongly with the drive level. Actually, this is
not surprising at all, but I didn`t expect it with that amount and
in some cases, IMD3 was better suppressed at higher output level:
MHz P [W] IMD3 [dB]
1.85 118.0 -40.1
99.6 -25.5
3.7 99.9 -30.3
7.1 94.2 -21.2
94.2 -21.1
98.5 -16.4
85.6 -26.6
86.7 -34.8
14.2 90.1 -32.4
100.0 -19.8
92.2 -22.0
21.2 89.6 -22.1
87.8 -17.0
91.9 -20.2
28.6 81.2 -13.4
50.2 77.9 -24.1
86.2 -20.7
Furthermore, I have the impression, that there is a difference if you
change the driver level through the PA-settings in the set-up window or
with the slider on the main window.
Any idea why?
As a conclusion of this test, I would say, that during normal operation,
you never succeed in an optimal IMD3 suppression. On one band I even
experienced, that the IMD5 was
obviously stronger than IMD3.
All measurements were taken with munin feeding a dummy load.
Does anybody made similar measurements or is this a behaviour of my
munin set-up, only?
Maybe, Kjell could comment on it comparing it with his measurements?
73, Georg, dl2kp
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