[hpsdr] PowerSDR_mRX_PS 3.2.7 release

Mike Seguin n1jez at burlingtontelecom.net
Sat Jan 25 03:46:40 PST 2014

If it hasn't moved from the pre-release,

Setup | General | Hardware Config - then in the lower left uncheck 
disable pre-distortion.

Also to run it, on the main screen on the top bar, select 'linearity'

I need to install the latest 3.2.7 over my alpha version.....


On 1/25/2014 6:40 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Helmut, I'm not seeing the 'Pure Signal' checkbox.  If anybody finds it,
> please post the location.
> 73, Barry N1EU
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Helmut, DC6NY <dc6ny at gmx.de
> <mailto:dc6ny at gmx.de>> wrote:
>     Barry, you'll find a check box in the setup called 'Pure signal'. If the
>     procedure didn't change since the alpha version, 'Pure signal' and '1
>     Receiver' in the box 'Limit Stitched Receivers' has be enabled to
>     run the
>     Pre-distortion function continuously.
>     73, Helmut, DC6NY
>     -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>     Von: hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org
>     <mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org>
>     [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org
>     <mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org>] Im Auftrag von Barry N1EU
>     Gesendet: Samstag, 25. Januar 2014 11:59
>     An: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org <mailto:hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org>
>     Betreff: Re: [hpsdr] PowerSDR_mRX_PS 3.2.7 release
>     ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
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Mike, N1JEZ
"A closed mouth gathers no feet"

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