[hpsdr] Looking for someone to replace me as Kiss Konsole Maintainer

George Byrkit ghbyrkit at chartermi.net
Sat Jun 14 09:16:07 PDT 2014

Dear All,

After a number of years, work is keeping me from devoting the time required to keep Kiss
Konsole 'maintained' and up-to-date with the latest features and options.  As I get older,
I'm just too tired after a full day of computer programming (it's more intense than it
used to be!) to do more.  And the weekends are often occupied with yard work and the like.

So, after notifying Phil Harman and getting his understanding, I'm asking who out there
would like to take this task?  You should be good with C# (it's not a 'newbie' task...),
have a non-free version of Visual Studio 2010 (that's the platform, for a number of
reasons), maybe have some knowledge of WiX (Windows Installer XML, a free program for
creating and maintaining installers), and have more spare time than I do!

I will stay available to help whoever takes over, and anyone else (like Warren NR0V) who
has questions on C#, .Net, etc.  Hey, my opinion is free, and worth every cent of that!

George Byrkit, K9TRV

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