[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/March/15

AA8K73 GMail aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 21:26:11 PDT 2014

The 15/March TeamSpeak mp3 (71 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:

< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3465 >


< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >

The audio in this session was leveled with Levelator.

Session text follows

20:36:59> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"

21:06:44> "John - AJ6BC": Anyone know where to get functional 
LVPECL models for Spice?  On-Semi has a lot of incomplete 'kits' 
- PDF files where you have to pick out the models that only give 
I/O - no functional.

21:10:25> "Ken N9VV": Scotty - did you do any power requirement 
tests with the new Cyclone-V ?

21:11:27> "John - AJ6BC": There are IBIS2SPICE translators - but 
the IBIS models don't normally contain functional information - 
so that doesn't do much good either.

21:11:36> "Scotty WA2DFI": with 14 receivers, power consumption 
is between 1.5W and 2W for the FPGA

21:12:02> "John - AJ6BC": Phil - I forgot to mention - the 
Abracon parts and programmer are on order.

21:12:17> "John - AJ6BC": Took care of that this AM.

21:12:33> "Phil-VK6PH": Thanks John - will be interested to hear 
how that works.

21:12:49> "John - AJ6BC": Yeah - I think it'll be OK.

21:13:20> "John - AJ6BC": 73's Warren.

21:20:08> "John - AJ6BC": Just an FYI - Jackson Labs is selling 
a GPS antenna kit:
http://jackson-labs.com/index.php/products/gps_antenna_kit .

21:21:51> "Bill - KD5TFD": just use phone!

21:26:58> "John - AJ6BC": Anyone know a good source of ESD 
diodes for > 1.5 GHz?  That is in stock?

21:31:20> "John - AJ6BC": Alleriges bad this week in San Jose...

21:34:05> "John - AJ6BC": Phil - do you see any issues with 
using the Abracon parts vs. MicroCrystal?

21:37:36> "Phil-VK6PH": Abracon is fine with me

21:37:52> "John - AJ6BC": Roger that.

21:39:27> "John - AJ6BC": FYI - the programmable oscillators are 
actually Discera parts - that was bought by Micrel.  I talked to 
Abracon this week - Micrel will keep the Discera agreements as 
is for the foreseeable future.

21:39:47> "John - AJ6BC": I also talked with Micrel and Discera.

21:40:38> "John - AJ6BC": RealTerm is the only Delphi program I 
use - but it is a really nice tool.

21:44:38> "John - AJ6BC": New Japan Radio is also sending me 
some samples of their LNA - finally got through to them.

21:54:07> "Rick - VE3MM": gngys

21:57:56> "Ken N9VV": Kevin M0KHZ made a few "Hermes" boards for 
friends -- maybe he has Gerbers?

22:01:08> "Bill - KD5TFD": welcome to the peoples republic of europe

22:06:22> "Bill - KD5TFD": express mail

22:11:01> "Scotty WA2DFI":

22:13:56> "Ken N9VV":

22:15:47> "Bill - KD5TFD": off to dinner ... 73

22:16:30> "Ken N9VV":

22:17:36> "Ken N9VV":
http://www.linaro.org/   Linearo 14.02 released

22:23:39> "Ken N9VV": Melton now programming "HPSDR" Android 
---> Apache Transceiver full TRx (now operational in Beta form)

22:23:57> "Ken N9VV": And he JUST RETIRED from Sun/Oracle in 
March (YIPPIE!)

22:25:45> "Scotty WA2DFI":

22:30:22> "Ken N9VV": 73 Scotty

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