[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Oct/04
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 19:27:17 PDT 2014
The 4/Oct TeamSpeak mp3 (47 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3519 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing was done on this recording.
Session text follows
<20:22:49> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<21:02:14> "Edson - PY2SDR": A second...
<21:09:22> "Ken N9VV": Edson! boas-vindas a minha amiga. Visite
por favor frequentemente.
tudo de bom,
73 de Ken N9VV
<21:09:39> "Edson - PY2SDR": 73 Ken!
<21:10:20> "John - AJ6BC":
http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/do-it-yourself/edison.html >
- ... anyone played with this yet?
<21:11:10> "Bill - KD5TFD": ahh .. need to roll out the debug
memory allocator
<21:19:00> "Ken N9VV": Report: OpenHPSDR 3.2.19 runs very well
under Windows-10 "Technical Preview"
<21:19:05> "John - AJ6BC": I am sure in the coming week I will
have at least a few questions for you Scotty and Phil. I will
be at Pacificon more than likely at this time next week.
<21:19:08> "Scotty- WA2DFI (S7)":
< http://www.tonks.com/iq2.jpg >
for picture of new iQuadLabs SDR transceiver
<21:19:47> "John - AJ6BC": Looks nice Scotty.
<21:20:00> "Scotty- WA2DFI (S7)": tnx
<21:20:00> "Dave - KV0S": Very Nice
<21:20:35> "John - AJ6BC": Ha! I thought your keyer off the the
right there was a reloading block at first glance!!!
<21:21:28> "Ken N9VV": Looks like Begali Paddles to me <g>
<21:21:48> "John - AJ6BC": Or Kent?
<21:21:49> "Scotty- WA2DFI (S7)": N0SA paddles
<21:22:31> "John - AJ6BC":
< http://www.kent-engineers.com/morseKEYindex.htm >
- I do not do mine justice.
<21:23:27> "John - AJ6BC": If 'Independence Day' ever happens, I
won't be the guy driving the key with the attack plans, but I
may be able to set up the channel.. ;)
<21:31:04> "Dave - KV0S": FYI
< http://openhpsdr.org/logo/ >
<21:31:22> "Bill - KD5TFD": I'd leave the comment there as long
as it's accurate
<21:33:08> "Mike - AA8K": Doesn't have to be Cartesian
<21:40:26> "John - AJ6BC": We are on the official agena - if you
go to Pacificon.org and look under forums - you'll see our slot
on the 12th. It's an Open Forum - I think Warren and I will be
able to field any questions. I will keep a 'log' of questions -
especially the ones we may not be able to answer since it is out
of our experience area since the presentations are wide in
nature. I will even go out on a limb and say our presentation
may be more wide and deep than the usual presentations given.
<21:40:34> "John - AJ6BC": *agenda
<21:40:50> "Rick - VE3MM": 73 fellows cu next week
<21:43:12> "Ken N9VV": Report: OpenHPSDR 3.2.19 runs very well
under Windows-10 "Technical Preview"
<21:44:25> "Ken N9VV": Use "EasyBCD 2.5" utility to enable quad
boot (Win-7, Win-8, Win-10, Ubuntu-4.04) here
<21:45:47> "John - AJ6BC": I have a new client that still does
their development on XP...
<21:46:32> "Ken N9VV": The US IRS recently contracted for $150M
with M$ to *KEEP* XP
<21:46:33> "John - AJ6BC": I have Vista-64 still running here in
the shack - it is OK.
<21:46:49> "Ken N9VV": Running it here every day
<21:47:54> "John - AJ6BC": Don't get me wrong - most machines
run Win7-64. I have not upgraded to Win8 due to having
Solidworks, Altium, etc. I have a buddy that tried Win8 and is
back to Win7.
<21:50:00> "Edson - PY2SDR": Closing the shop here. 73 everyone.
<21:50:33> "John - AJ6BC":
< http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview >
- 'Be a part of every step.'
<21:55:22> "Ken N9VV": Windows-10 PowerSDR 3.2.19 demo
< http://www.n9vv.com/20M-SSB.mp4 >
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