[hpsdr] PowerSDR OpenHPSDR mRX PSv3.2.19 (8.29.14) & my Mercury v3.4, Penelope v1.8, Ozy v2.7, Munin, and Alex TX rig

Merv Thomas vk6bmt at iinet.net.au
Fri Oct 10 03:36:46 PDT 2014


I'm a little reticent to raise too many questions as I was once "shot down" 
by a responder!!  But here goes:

1.    I have used the Setup screens to give me 100W output on all bands (in 
to a 50R dummy load) from 160 to 6M where possible (12 and 6M only achieve 
86W and 76W respectively out of the LA).  I then set the Tune Power to 8 and 
this has given me around 4 to 8W output into a 50R dummy load on all bands 
EXCEPT on 17,15 and 12M where the tune output power is 19,46,and 69W 
respectively.  This tune power is far too high for tuning my Little Tarheel 
screwdriver antenna so I am not sure what to do to obtain a fairly 
consistent tune power across all bands.  I suppose I could drag the Drive 
Level slider lower on each of the offending bands but this could lead to 
forgetting to do this when I'm tuning for resonance and eventually ruin the 

2.    In PowerSDR there appears to be a specific setup screen in the DSP/CW 
tab and a section on the main PowerSDR screen to also setup CW parameters. 
As I wish to use a straight CW key I have made sure Iambic is disabled but 
it has no effect as every time I depress the key I get a repetitive sequence 
of dits.  I am keying using the DE9 connector pins 5 and 7 on the Ozy board. 
SOLVED THIS ONE -  set the the option to Reverse Paddles and all is OK.
       Additionally neither CWL nor CWU will key on any band until I have 
first clicked Tune and then deactivated Tune.  On that particular band the 
CW key is then activated but not on all bands.  I have to go through the 
sequence of first Tune then after stopping Tune .  What am I missing please?

Hopefully there are sufficient numbers of Hams using the now outdated 
Mercury setup for the above to be of some interest.

Merv  VK6BMT

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