[hpsdr] linux/digital modes

AD0ES ad0es at ad0es.net
Tue Sep 2 08:05:46 PDT 2014


Been playing with a mercury/fldigi, lurking here for a few months.  I'm hooked, trying to figure
out where to sell a kidney to finance an anan-200d...

Need to burrow in and start serious work on a software platform in the meantime.  My requirements:

linux/ubuntu system.
digital modes/fldigi.


I brought up the radio on the apache site, along with com0com and VAC.  Fldigi works (for rcv, no hermes).
To use fldigi on ubuntu I see 2 cats to skin, CAT control and a VAC like service.  I don't want to hook
a sound card up to physical anan jacks, should hook directly to the data stream.

It would seem jack2 is the proper way to do the VAC stuff, and probably use a tcp control port for CAT.

Who's working on these issues?  I am eager to contribute in any way I can.  Any insight, pointers, links, etc.

Steve AD0ES

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