[hpsdr] new architecture - FFT front-end

Alberto I2PHD i2phd at weaksignals.com
Tue Sep 9 16:18:48 PDT 2014

Sorry... I edited the message to change from Dropbox to my own Web space, but left erroneously
the Dropbox link...  here is the correct version.

On 9/10/2014 12:33 AM, Erik Anderson wrote:

> /Okay, I did just try this with FreeMat.  I chalk up my results to the unfamiliarity of the program; it sounds like 
> I'm hearing the negative side of the iFFT results, and I can't understand what I'm saying (i.e. backwards, fair amount 
> of static), but it's a LOT more readable than I was expecting./

I have done the same with Matlab R2013a. First I digitized 4 seconds of my voice with Adobe Audition at a sampling rate 
of 11025 Hz.
Then I imported the WAV file into Matlab, computed an fft, then an ifft, then wrote out the result as a WAV file, using 
these commands :

[y fs]=audioread('p:\audio\wav\4sec.wav');
fy = fft(y);
audiowrite('p:\audio\wav\4sec_fft_ifft.wav', iy, 11025);

I placed both files on one of my Web spaces :


Judge for yourself... and please excuse my bad pronunciation.... English is not my first language...

/*73 Alberto I2PHD*
Credo Ut Intelligam

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