[hpsdr] Fwd: PowerSDR mRx CW transmit problem: part 2 of 2

Joe Martin k5so at k5so.com
Fri Aug 28 21:49:18 PDT 2015

>> 3. To get any usability in CW transmit, I need to set the “Reverse Paddles” option so I get correct dits and dahs from the paddle. With “Reverse Paddles” unset, I get dits from both sides of the paddle. I need to set “Break in” to Enabled, or I get full break in operation, which I find intolerable – too many relays clacking.
> I do not observe any problem with “Reverse Paddles” here; the control works as expected.  Note that there are two methods of obtaining the proper sense for your CW paddles:  1) switch the connections on your paddles if the keying is opposite to what you desire or 2) check the “Reverse Paddles” box in the PowerSDR menu if the keying is opposite to what you desire.  Either is effective, of course; your choice.  I do not have an explanation for why checking “Reverse Paddles” produces only dits for you; that’s not the behavior I observe here.  Again, could this be a wiring/connection issue for you?  The firmware/software does not appear to have a problem here so I think there must be something local to your system that is causing the improper behavior.  
>> 4. With “Iambic” set, I have dahs on both sides of the paddle. With “Iambic” unset, I get correct keying.
> I do not observe this behavior, my paddles behave correctly regardless of the setting for “iambic”.  As I mentioned, I would carefully check that the dah and dit lines are not inadvertently connected.  All I can say is that the “iambic” control seems to function properly for me here, so I don’t think there is a coding problem with the firmware or software.  
> Here is a dropbox link that contains the Penelope test firmware that fixes the external PA T/R relay issue.  
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/t60xkfshhyzy5pb/Penelope_v1.9_test.zip?dl=0
> Please check it out to see if your footswitch configuration works properly with this modified Penelope firmware and let me know.  As I do not know what your programming configuration is there I have included several different programming files (and source code too, in fact…Penelope_v1.9.qar) in the folder that will work to load the test code into your Penelope depending upon whether you wish to:
> a)  use a USB Blaster cable in active serial programming mode (Penelope_v1.9.pof), 
> b) use a version of HPSDR Programmer if you happen to have a Metis board to use to update your Atlas-based system (Penelope_v1.9.rbf), or 
> c) use the USB_Blaster_Binaries method with your Magister board (Penelope_v1.9.jic and Penelope_v1.9.cdf).  
> I hope this new Penelope test firmware works for you as it does for me to cure the external PA T/R relay connection to the Penelope mic jack.  If it does I will pass the info on to Phil to check out and decide whether to use it to update the Penelope code on the SVN repository.  Phil is the offical custodian of the Penelope code.  
> Good luck with your system.  Let me know if I can be of further assistance.  
> 73, Joe K5SO

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