[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2015/July/04
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 19:08:24 PDT 2015
The 4/July TeamSpeak mp3 (33 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3568 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing done
Session text follows
<20:50:57> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<20:56:11> "Mike - AA8K": Sounds good John!
<20:56:23> "John - AJ6BC": Thanks - haven't been on in a while!
<21:03:57> "John - AJ6BC": Participated in field day too last
weekend - made UHF/VHF satellite contact; got daughter plus her
friend (first time on Ham Radio for her) on GOTA plus HF - great
<21:05:00> "John - AJ6BC": We tried to hit ISS but missed but
got on the Russian SOTA - that was fun.
<21:06:16> "Greg ZL3IX": Going anywhere interesting Phil?
<21:06:39> "Rick ve3mm": John we had torrential rains and a
major thunderstorm here. The roughest wx for Field Day in
years. In any event we kept at it and beat our qso record for
last year on 40cw.
<21:08:05> "John - AJ6BC": You know - we made contacts on 20m
and 40m with quite a few VEXXX stations. In fact, my daughter
was on GOTA when we made first 'international' contact which was
a BC station if I am not mistaken - I will check the log when I
am at the next meeting. But yes, we heard about the weather.
<21:11:57> "John - AJ6BC": From some of the Dayton presentations
- I got the impression that the Ham links via WiFi - the Linksys
routers - was becoming part of what we were doing - maybe I am
mistaken and those presentations were given at the same forum?
<21:13:43> "Bill - KD5TFD": Odd what some fine light reading ...
<21:16:42> "John - AJ6BC": Did Glenn Elmore, N6GN, get onto Team
Speak earlier this year if anyone remembers?
<21:16:55> "Bill - KD5TFD": Don't recall
<21:17:35> "John - AJ6BC": I have been trying for years to get
him involved; we talk on the phone occasionally. I believe he
picked up an Angelia board.
<21:18:21> "John - AJ6BC": Plus NVidia doesn't release a lot of
details about the Cuda cores.
<21:18:41> "John - AJ6BC": If you need to do anything custom.
<21:27:26> "Phil-VK6PH":
< https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-math-library >
<21:28:37> "Bill - KD5TFD": Wireless Networking in the
Developing Worlkd:
< http://wndw.net/ >
<21:35:43> "John - AJ6BC": Wow - Fortran. Haven't programmed
that in a while.
<21:36:00> "Mike - AA8K": I remember ForTran 77
<21:36:09> "Bill - KD5TFD": hard to believe it's still around
<21:36:09> "John - AJ6BC": Bill, that is an interesting Website.
<21:36:27> "John - AJ6BC": Yes - I remember doing some punch
card programs for F77...
<21:36:37> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya - one of the hsmm guys at a local
hamfest had a lot of good things to say about the book
<21:36:45> "Bill - KD5TFD": sort of all encompassing
<21:37:28> "John - AJ6BC": Yeah, you might be getting attacked
by Boko Haram but your wireless interface should be up. Hi!
<21:39:04> "Bill - KD5TFD": something like that .. sort of cool
to show folks how to build their own infrastructure to some degree
<21:39:58> "John - AJ6BC": Oh yeah. I helped with a project
earlier this year where we made low cost battery-chargers via
solar for DC lighting in places where they have no lighting.
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