[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2015/July/11
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 19:17:52 PDT 2015
The 11/July TeamSpeak mp3 (29 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3569 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing done
Session text follows
<20:48:49> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<21:04:34> "Bill - KD5TFD": networking? Something
<21:04:54> "Bill - KD5TFD": wild shot in the dark
<21:05:36> "Bill - KD5TFD": poor 4Ghz I7?!?!?
<21:06:10> "Mike-K7SR": gigibit ethernet on a zeon processor
system. Started after a MS windows7 update.
<21:07:11> "Bill - KD5TFD": look @ dev driver date for network
card .. might check to see if it updated in the near vicinity of
bad stuff happening
<21:08:12> "Mike-K7SR": driver date is about 2009. Check says
this is the best driver
<21:08:31> "Bill - KD5TFD": tnx
<21:08:41> "Bill - KD5TFD": 2009 does not sound new
<21:09:58> "Ken N9VV (Win-10 v10166)": *Warren NR0V* wrote an
excellent review of OpenHPSDR Rx Filters and posted it to the
Apache Yahoo Group with pix
<21:11:16> "Ken N9VV (Win-10 v10166)":
<21:15:59> "Bill - KD5TFD": Can you pass on links to the other
<21:16:25> "Ken N9VV (Win-10 v10166)": From the Hermes-Lite
email list: "Transmit pre-distortion to improve transmitted IMD
performance of
SDR transmitters"
https://sdrzone.com/index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=34 >
<21:18:33> "Dave - KV0S":
< http://www.dubus.org/ > click on th sample copy the article
is in the middle of the magazine
<21:21:45> "Dave - KV0S": Interesting site by VK3OE the PDF
is in the repository.
< https://code.google.com/p/cdar/downloads/list?num=100&start=300 >
<21:26:03> "Bill - KD5TFD": Argh .. pawwalled @ the IEEE
<21:27:04> "Bill - KD5TFD": But archive.org has it:
< https://archive.org/details/bstj39-4-745 > -- The Theory and
Design of Chirp Radars
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