[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2015/Aug/01
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 19:50:42 PDT 2015
The 1/Aug TeamSpeak mp3 (59 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3572 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing done
Session text follows
<19:47:18> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<20:04:47> "Paintchips": STNDBY
<20:59:09> "Mike - AA8K": Hi Greg. Watched House Hunters
International look at three homes in Christchurch.
<21:09:49> "Rick ve3mm": hi Greg how are things in
<21:09:55> "Rick ve3mm": chch
<21:11:28> "Mike - AA8K": Powerpoles will separate with a small tug.
<21:14:08> "Bill - KD5TFD": Most? We seem to spend a
riciculous amount of money on radios?
<21:17:23> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": look at my Avatar in TS Bill
<21:18:01> "Bill - KD5TFD": looks nice
<21:18:10> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": its a mock up
<21:18:43> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I love digital but prefer
analog physically
<21:18:49> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Powerpoles are the ARRL
Emergency Communications (ARES/RACES) Standard - hence their
adoption by Elecraft and others
<21:19:15> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya .. some folks plysical like knobs
and sliders
<21:19:39> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I love knobs and sliders that
control digital interface.
<21:19:50> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": or UI
<21:20:52> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Google for pix of the
SunSDR2-MB1 for knobs and sliders
<21:20:57> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": some stuff is mouse... I paint
digitally for good instance..
<21:21:12> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": oohhhh I'm looking at that
very soon,..
<21:21:50> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": yikes.. thats a beast.
<21:22:21> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I think I can do better as a
Concept designer with HPSDR
<21:22:37> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I know product design,..
<21:23:00> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I wanna do something thats
<21:23:26> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I've already started the
design.Aetheoncompany at gmail.com
<21:24:18> "Bill - KD5TFD": ha ha
<21:24:28> "Bill - KD5TFD": odd things to do on one's vacations
<21:25:17> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": not really,... I've been a
conceptual designers for a loooonnnng time..
<21:26:29> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I just gotta decide if I wanna
be stationary happily with a beer,... or be traveling into no
mans land.
<21:26:41> "Bill - KD5TFD": Interesting link of the week ...
< https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html > -- see what the Deep
Space Network is talking to
<21:27:19> "Ken N9VV (Android)": How about the new FLEX Maestro
portable WiFi interface?
<21:28:05> "Bill - KD5TFD": the Bell Labs one is in archive.org
<21:34:07> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Ever look at "TunaKnobs" for
tactical GUI interfaces?
<21:34:35> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": Tunawhat??
<21:35:38> "Ken N9VV (Android)": W1AEX
<21:36:07> "Bill - KD5TFD":
< http://www.w1aex.com/psdr/psdr.html >
<21:36:25> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": W1AEX yup
<21:36:52> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": that dudes a bad @$$
<21:38:48> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": I hope I can Correspond with
<21:39:01> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": if he's the man I need to
speak to.
<21:39:02> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Very nice Skin from Beppe IK3VIG
<21:40:17> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Other skins bt K2DER
<21:40:55> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": Just wait....... you well see...
<21:41:02> "Bill - KD5TFD": shifting neg and positive
differently 'feels' wrong ...
<21:43:48> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN":
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2bYP2_hL80 >
<21:49:47> "Ken N9VV (Android)": You might also like the GUI
work done by Moe Wheatly for RFSpace (remotesdrclient on
<21:50:12> "Ken N9VV (Android)": Soon to become "CloudSDR"
<21:50:37> "Mike - AA8K": Kip, what is the soundtrack from?
<21:53:05> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN":
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1IxbR_0TP4 >
<22:01:21> "Paintchips 2xUI FIN": [Contact AA8K for Wesley's
e-mail address]
<22:05:54> "Bill - KD5TFD": take the general test when you take
the tech ..
<22:09:15> "Mike - AA8K": SoftRock 40?
<22:09:41> "Bill - KD5TFD": don't know if our powersdr still
works on the softrocks ...
<22:13:04> "Bill - KD5TFD": Lowest end gizmo:
<22:20:05> "Bill - KD5TFD": pray to the gods of timing closure
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