[hpsdr] dual psdr installations

Glen glenk4kv at mds-ham.com
Tue Apr 12 17:05:11 PDT 2016


I am having trouble getting two Hermes to coexist on the same

The router always assigns them the same IP address.  I have two folders of
PSDR, and
one is a copy of the other.  So, using two different locations for PSDR.exe
and presumably
two different databases.

Sometimes it refuses to use the static IP address I told it to, and makes
the other version
stop running.  I had one on 40M and one as a transverter base for 220Mhz.

Got it working this morning after many retries, but this evening, after
turning it all back on
it went ka-flooooeee again.

Can someone point to a link that explains the proper way to do this?



Glen K4KV

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