[hpsdr] ANAN-10 28MHz generated birdie

Dominique Dehays f6dro at wanadoo.fr
Sun Aug 7 08:30:10 PDT 2016

Hello ,

I'm still working on it. If fact there are two pairs of annoying 
spurriis. One pair is caused by the PA. If power is reduced , the 
spuriis quickly reduce.Maybe it is simply because the PA draws current 
and the internal PSU is in fault?
The second pair  is there  , even at low level at the Hermes output. 
Power changes nothing and spurs are only 60dB down. It could also be an 
internal psu problem.

I remember once I have found the Hermes schematics on the web ( or even 
better the anan 10 schematics) but I can't find them at the moment. If 
someone knows a link where I could find this , I am interested


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