[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2018/Aug/25
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 19:33:12 PDT 2018
The 25/Aug TeamSpeak mp3 (36 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=13720 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
20:38:12> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
21:05:16> "AJ6BC - John":
< file/Fsers/John/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-win64-3.1.9.exe >
21:05:23> "AJ6BC - John": That works
21:05:29> "AJ6BC - John": 3.2.1 doesn't
21:17:14> "Mike - AA8K": I'm running 3.1.10 TeamSpeak. Took me
a while to find a copy.
21:24:02> "Dave - KV0S": John I have a Atlas system but no time
at the present, did you want to be the beacon or the receiver?
21:24:30> "AJ6BC - John": I had 3.1.9 saved off from restoring
this PC - so, I was lucky I had it. The Teamspeak site will
redirect to a website that has ultra slow downloads for old
21:25:21> "AJ6BC - John": For something not too different:
21:25:31> "AJ6BC - John": I'll find the one that includes WWVB
21:26:44> "Dave - KV0S": I assume that WWV is consider redundant
with GPS for time
21:27:02> "AJ6BC - John": Dave doesn't matter - but you are East
Coast and I'm West Coast - I think that will be bold for a first
21:27:46> "Dave - KV0S": John I am Half way in the mid-west.
21:28:11> "AJ6BC - John": Dave - yes, but losing WWVB too I
think isn't good - a lot share that opinion. And, GPS isn't
that good - a cloudy day can ruin that, plus 'rain-fade'.
21:28:53> "AJ6BC - John": Dave - OK - when do you think you will
have time. I'm grid square CM97. I can look you up.
21:29:27> "Dave - KV0S": John my grid square is EM38
21:29:35> "AJ6BC - John": ok
21:30:51> "Warren - NR0V": John, FYI, in case you don't know,
I'm no longer your neighbor in CA -- I'm now in CO and almost
all my equipment is in storage for the next few months. So, I
can't help.
21:31:26> "AJ6BC - John": Warren, Phil clued me in - but I
didn't know that you were in CO.
21:32:21> "AJ6BC - John": Oh well, what part? I had a good
friend that lived in Colorado Springs, CO
21:32:52> "Warren - NR0V": Yes, we've moved here ... we lived
here before and have "returned home". This is planned as our
"last stop".
21:33:08> "Warren - NR0V": We're in Loveland, about 50 miles
north of Denver.
21:34:10> "AJ6BC - John": Ok - I have relatives in Aurora.
21:34:25> "Warren - NR0V": Yep, that's not far away.
21:34:37> "AJ6BC - John": Great!
21:38:13> "Dave - KV0S":
< https://code.google.com/archive/p/cdar/wikis/Home.wiki >
21:45:20> "Dave - KV0S": John here is your possible from CN97 ,
Warren approx DN70, Dave at EM38, and Rick at FN03 should be
able to help.
21:51:31> "Dave - KV0S": these three receiver sites are approx
the same ENE from you 1320, 2002, and 2663 miles from you.
21:55:45> "AJ6BC - John": should be there
21:56:58> "AJ6BC - John": 73's all
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