[hpsdr] Only have Pennylane...no problem

jkelly jkelly at verizon.net
Fri Dec 21 11:02:45 PST 2018

Perhaps this has been covered before.

I ran across Catsync which is a windows program that connects

Powersdr (for transmit) and a websdr (from websdr.org) for receive.

It bascially does a CAT connection between the two programs so that the 

you select on the websdr is the frequency that shows on Powersdr.

I also mutes the websdr audio when you transmit.

There is a small charge for the commercial program $12.

Pretty cool for a transmitter only setup. Internet required!




NOAA Images: http://www.k2sdr.com
Meteor Images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ihak35Q0aqJUPmSRWO0q9vvvFsBwVDZa
VDL2 Data: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u4xJ2eYTngrzgu8b41egK7jPYOm_r_1p

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