[hpsdr] MUNIN III boards
k4kv at k4kv.com
Fri Jan 5 03:54:17 PST 2018
I will be attempting this soon with a Hermes. My boards should be here
any time.
Glen K4KV
On 1/5/2018 05:10, Kjell Karlsen wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Chris.
> You beat me with one hour! I had just started to find the mail. I also
> found a later mail with comments:
> "Some more tests with the modified Munin board shows that if the
> feedback resistors are increased to 100 Ohm each, the gain is
> increased to >23 dB in the output stage. That means that it is
> possible to drive the PA to
> 100W by using Munin or Angelia on all bands except on 6 meter. But on 6
> meter the output is >80W PEP.
> I also tested without any feedback and the stage seems to be stable
> and the output on 50 MHz is >100W with a setting of 38.8. I can not
> see any increased IMD without feedback, it is at -30 dBc(ref PEP).
> So from this, I conclude that it is possible to use the Push Pull PA
> with RD100HHF1 directly connected to Hermes, Angelia and Orion I to
> get 100W out.
> I also find that the PA handles Pure Signal much better than the
> original Munin. The IM3 is >50 dBc on all bands. When using the
> original Munin it was difficult to get >40 dBc IM3."
> Today I tested again just to confirm my observations and except for 6
> meter I measured the same. On 6 meter the PEP out was around 80W.
> When using the Orion MK II board, it delivers >100W PEP on all bands.
> 73, Kjell, LA2NI
> På Fri, 05 Jan 2018 10:30:18 +0100, skrev Chris Smith <chris at vspl.co.uk>:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Hi Jim
>> Attached below is Kjell Karlsen’s original message to this reflector.
>> In it he explains the design philosophy.
>> Cheers & 73
>> Chris G4NUX
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Kjell Karlsen <la2ni at online.no>
>>> Subject: [hpsdr] Munin revisited.
>>> Date: 3 August 2017 at 14:41:14 BST
>>> To: "hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org" <hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org>
>>> Resent-From: <chris at vspl.co.uk>
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> Hi all.
>>> Some years ago I did a layout for a 100W PA using a pair of
>>> RD100HHF1 MOSFET transistors and called it Munin and an updated
>>> version, Munin II. As far as I know more than 250 of them were built
>>> around the world.
>>> Munin was more or less a copy of the 100W PA´s used by ICOM, Kenwood
>>> and Yaesu. Apache Labs also have used a variant of this PA in all
>>> the 100W units sold until now. It is extremely robust and I have
>>> only managed to destroy 1 pair of them when I forgot to install the
>>> heat sink and used them for a long time at 100W out.
>>> In the ANAN-7000, Apache Labs has removed the Push Pull Driver stage
>>> that uses 2 pcs. RD16HHF1 and drive the RD100HHF1 directly from the
>>> Orion MKII board that can deliver maximum 3W out.
>>> I was very surprised when I saw this so I decided to test with one
>>> of my Munin boards. Using the same values as in the -7000 for the
>>> input circuit and a 1:1 transformer, I got 100W OUT with <3W IN on
>>> all bands except 6 meter. I measured the input Return Loss and found
>>> that by removing a 200 pF capacitor across the secondary of the
>>> transformer, the output on 6 meter could be reach with 2,5W IN.
>>> Then I tried to reduce the feedback in the PA. The feedback
>>> resistors were 2 pc. 22 Ohm in parallel on each transistor and by
>>> increasing them to 39 OHM each, I can get 100W out with <1W drive on
>>> all bands! That means that the gain is >20 dB! And the linearity is
>>> not worse using less feedback.
>>> According to the data from Mitsubishi, the gain on 30 MHz is 11,5 dB
>>> for one devise so for 2 in Push Pull the gain is 3 dB higher, 14,5
>>> dB. So were does all this extra gain come from?
>>> The gates are purely capacitive (Ciss=260 pF for each gate) so no
>>> power is lost in the input. So by just using a 1:1 transformer and
>>> load it with 50 Ohm on the secondary, the driving voltage is 20V
>>> P-P. There is a mismatch on the highest frequencies so one should
>>> expect that the gain should drop a lot of dB but still the gain is
>>> above 20 dB. It might be possible to optimize the input RL but I see
>>> no point in that as we have the Gain By Band adjustments in PSDR and
>>> PiHPSDR.
>>> Another positive observation I did was that the efficiency is better
>>> when using this solution.
>>> When using the original Munin, the current draw at 100W OUT was
>>> between 18 and 20A on all bands up to 10 meter and 22A on 6 meter.
>>> But now the current is <15A up to 10 meter and just a bit higher on
>>> 6 meter. I have no explanation for this!
>>> May be it is time to do a new layout for a MUNIN III? It can be
>>> really small.
>>> 73, Kjell
>>> --
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