[hpsdr] Beta release of linHPSDR
John Melton
john.d.melton at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 21 02:56:05 PDT 2018
Hi Chris,
The software on startup looks to get a list of devices from PulseAudio.
If it returns that there are no devices then it will not have the
option. Do you see any devices when you run pavucontrol? If you start
linhpsdr from the command line I would be interested to see the debug
-- John
On 21/06/18 08:58, Chris Smith wrote:
> Hi John
> I’ve been having great fun on the air using linHPSDR. So, for that many thanks.
> I’ve had one strange happening though. Until a day or two ago, on the Rx-0 config page (I think) I used to have a box I could tick to send the audio to a local device - in my case the speakers in my 27” monitor. However last time I started linHPSDR this config option was not present and I had to use the 3.5mm o/p jack on Mercury. Is there some magic setting for this? It’s possible some s/w update has disabled the audio device on my PC. I wondered if you’ve had any experience with this happening?
> Cheers & 73
> Chris G4NUX
>> On 15 Jun 2018, at 09:12, Chris Smith <chris at vspl.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi John
>> I realised that Fedora 20 was also rather ancient and updated to latest stable release F28. Same changes to the “Prerequisites for building" saw a very rapid build and install of both wdsp and linhpsdr. I must check my $PATH environment as I had to add a symbolic link to the wdsp library in /lib64 to /usr/local/lib.
>> I also sorted out the problem in my Tx chain and had a very nice QSO with an I1 station in Biella on 20m.
>> So, back on the air thanks to you and Warren.
>> Cheers & 73
>> Chris G4NUX
>>> On 8 Jun 2018, at 12:31, Chris Smith <chris at vspl.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi John
>>> I’m not a great fan of Debian based Linux distros so I also built and ran this on a Fedora (FC20) system. (I came into Linux in 1993 via the Slackware -> RedHat -> Fedora route and prefer some of the facilities e.g. rpm/yum/dnf over apt-get)
>>> The mods to your “Prerequisites for building” under Fedora are:
>>> sudo dnf [-y] install fftw-devel
>>> sudo dnf [-y] install pulseaudio-libs-devel
>>> sudo dnf [-y] install gtk3-devel
>>> All other build and install instructions work as for Ubuntu.
>>> On my, admittedly ancient, quad core 2.8GHz system, the fft wisdom planning phase took over 20 minutes. During which time I fell asleep watching the grass grow! I did notice that on Activity Monitor only one CPU gets driven to 100% usage.
>>> I’ve only used linHPSDR for receive so far as I have a problem in the Tx chain on my Atlas based system. Under FC20 no CPU shows more than about 18% usage on Activity Monitor during Rx.
>>> Thanks again.
>>> 73 Chris
>>> G4NUX
>>>> On 7 Jun 2018, at 18:08, Chris Smith <chris at vspl.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi John
>>>> Just built linHPSDR on a Pi 3B+ under Raspbian Stretch. Built without any problems and runs superbly in Rx mode. Usage meter shows a reading of around 40% average with a low of 35% and a high of 48% approx.
>>>> Had one latch up that required a complete reboot but I was wandering around the config menu without quite knowing what I was doing.
>>>> One thing I did notice was that the Filter config for Alex didn’t seem to be stored and disappeared across restarts.
>>>> But all in all a nice bit of software and another step away from ‘doze!
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> 73 Chris
>>>> G4NUX
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