[hpsdr] (Didn't Receive): TeamSpeak audio 2020/Aug/01
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 18:23:39 PDT 2020
Sorry everyone. It was a rough weekend for me.
I recall now that I was going to 'sanitize' the Phil and Bill
links to remove personal information, as I usually do, but
forgot to mail it when the 'ship hit the sand' here.
Here is the chat:
<20:57:56> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<21:02:55> "Phil-VK6PH": Seesii Vector Network Analyzer 50KHz -3GHz
<21:07:23> "Phil-VK6PH":
<21:09:17> "Bill - KD5TFD":
<21:13:39> "AJ6BC - John": Hello Everyone - my audio isn't
working - works with Zoom....
<21:13:42> "AJ6BC - John": Let me check...
<21:14:00> "Dave KV0S":
<< https://github.com/ttrftech/NanoVNA >>
<21:14:45> "Mike - AA8K": Where are you finding the 3GHZ on
eBay Bill?
<21:14:58> "Bill - KD5TFD":
<21:15:11> "Dave KV0S": this site look like a similar board but
supports a TAPR board VNAR4
<21:15:11> "Mike - AA8K": Ah, thank you.
<21:18:10> "Bill - KD5TFD":
<21:18:49> "AJ6BC - John": My audio isn't working guys - what
version of client is everyone using?
<21:19:09> "Bill - KD5TFD": 3.2.1 hear
<21:19:17> "Bill - KD5TFD": here
<21:19:34> "Mike - AA8K": TeamSpeak 3 3.5.3 here.
<21:19:40> "AJ6BC - John": My PC updated it to 3.5.3.
<21:19:48> "AJ6BC - John": ok - that's good mike.
<21:19:56> "AJ6BC - John": Let me see if I can get audio working...
<21:20:14> "Mike - AA8K": Are you on Windows and did you do a
recent patch install John?
<21:20:25> "AJ6BC - John": Yes and yes
<21:20:50> "Mike - AA8K": May need to tell Windows to give
permission to TeamSpeak maybe?
<21:21:21> "AJ6BC - John": Hmmm. OK - let me see if I can find
<21:21:26> "Dave KV0S": Your profile say you have the mike muted
<21:21:48> "AJ6BC - John": I know - and I can't unmute with TS
<21:23:20> "AJ6BC - John": BRB
<21:23:31> "Mike - AA8K": Go to Start → Settings → Privacy →
Microphone. Click Change to enable
<21:25:09> "Mike - AA8K": John, Go to Start → Settings →
Privacy → Microphone. Click Change to enable
<21:25:19> "AJ6BC - John": OK started as ADMIN... - audio OK
<21:28:30> "Bill - KD5TFD": QEX? QST?
<21:30:02> "Dave KV0S":
<< https://tapr.org/conferences/ >>
<21:30:56> "AJ6BC - John": Bill I can say MAYBE.
<21:33:01> "Dave KV0S":
<< https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/ >>
<21:37:55> "AJ6BC - John": www.bliley.com
<21:41:14> "AJ6BC - John": Bliley P/N: LPATJ-10MDA-EJCB
<21:44:06> "Mike - AA8K":
<< https://github.com/erikkaashoek/Tapr-VNA >>
<21:44:50> "AJ6BC - John": That's ONE P/N - there's a lot of
great choices - QTY 10 right now in $250.00 range.
<21:44:54> "Dave KV0S": Good job for finding that mike
eBay VNA 363047529938
On 8/8/20 5:19 PM, John C. Westmoreland, P.E. wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> HPSDR's,
> I never received the e-mail for last week's TeamSpeak session,
> Here's what I have for the chat log:
> *** 7/31/2020
> <18:12:11> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
> <18:13:22> "AJ6BC - John": Hello Everyone - my audio isn't
> working - works with Zoom....
> <18:13:25> "AJ6BC - John": Let me check...
> <18:17:51> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
> <18:17:53> "Bill - KD5TFD":
> https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08DG115X9/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08DG115X9&pd_rd_w=f7gx1&pf_rd_p=16dd4e01-3b75-48a2-b71b-d4a5de71dcd7&pd_rd_wg=N7UPm&pf_rd_r=GSWYSVHWSWWFVJQNYQT2&pd_rd_r=fd742315-87cd-486f-b1c1-890a25956c60&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNjlUTUZVSks0S0hHJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzIxMzc0MURZUUc1V1FLODRMRCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUFYU0g4Q1cwSzdMUEsmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
> <18:18:32> "AJ6BC - John": My audio isn't working guys - what
> version of client is everyone using?
> <18:18:52> "Bill - KD5TFD": 3.2.1 hear
> <18:19:00> "Bill - KD5TFD": here
> <18:19:17> "Mike - AA8K": TeamSpeak 3 3.5.3 here.
> <18:19:23> "AJ6BC - John": My PC updated it to 3.5.3.
> <18:19:31> "AJ6BC - John": ok - that's good mike.
> <18:19:39> "AJ6BC - John": Let me see if I can get audio working...
> <18:19:58> "Mike - AA8K": Are you on Windows and did you do a
> recent patch install John?
> <18:20:08> "AJ6BC - John": Yes and yes
> <18:20:33> "Mike - AA8K": May need to tell Windows to give
> permission to TeamSpeak maybe?
> <18:21:04> "AJ6BC - John": Hmmm. OK - let me see if I can find
> that...
> <18:21:09> "Dave KV0S": Your profile say you have the mike muted
> <18:21:31> "AJ6BC - John": I know - and I can't unmute with TS
> either...
> <18:23:03> "AJ6BC - John": BRB
> <18:24:40> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
> <18:24:52> "Mike - AA8K": John, Go to Start → Settings → Privacy
> → Microphone. Click Change to enable
> <18:25:02> "AJ6BC - John": OK started as ADMIN... - audio OK
> <18:28:13> "Bill - KD5TFD": QEX? QST?
> <18:29:45> "Dave KV0S": https://tapr.org/conferences/
> <18:30:39> "AJ6BC - John": Bill I can say MAYBE.
> <18:32:44> "Dave KV0S": https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/
> <18:37:38> "AJ6BC - John": www.bliley.com <http://www.bliley.com>
> <18:40:57> "AJ6BC - John": Bliley P/N: LPATJ-10MDA-EJCB
> <18:43:49> "Mike - AA8K": https://github.com/erikkaashoek/Tapr-VNA
> <18:44:33> "AJ6BC - John": That's ONE P/N - there's a lot of
> great choices - QTY 10 right now in $250.00 range.
> <18:44:37> "Dave KV0S": Good job for finding that mike
> *** 8/4/2020
> Note that could be incomplete because I joined the meeting a
> little late.
> The audio only archive is here:
> http://tsarchive.openhpsdr.org/?C=M;O=A - note you may have to
> click "last modified" at the top to see the latest.
> I do not see any record of last week's e-mail here:
> http://lists.openhpsdr.org/pipermail/hpsdr-openhpsdr.org/
> so I have to conclude it was never sent.
> I was just wondering about this - if the archives are incorrect,
> please forward me the e-mail from last week.
> Thanks.
> 73's,
> John
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