[hpsdr] 16-bit ADC Gigabit ETH openHPSDR Hermes
Riho B., ES7AAZ
es7aaz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 07:05:22 PST 2021
Thank you to all of you!
I did get everything needed. Isn't it interesting that 16-bit Gigabit ETH
radio is still the best HF+6m SDR radio after 10 years or so. BTW, there is
an interesting low-cost 70MHz-6GHz 12-bit AD9363 radio "Pluto+ SDR"
available at AliExpress HamRadioshop Store - https://bit.ly/3dp6B4B
Consoles for it are G4ELI SDR Console and F4EXB SDRangel.
Have fun es GUD DX!
Kontakt George Byrkit (<ghbyrkit at chartermi.net>) kirjutas kuupäeval T, 16.
veebruar 2021 kell 15:19:
> Riho,
> We haven't been using SVN for over 5 years, I think. It's all been moved
> to
> the TAPR GitHub repository. Most of the links on OpenHPSDR have been fixed
> to point to the github repository, not to SVN. So, long storey short:
> don't
> try to find anything on SVN. It's just not there...
> Check the wiki article that I provided a link for, and follow links there.
> I expect Scott (W2UO?) likely will have definitive links into the Apache
> Labs realm, since TAPR only sold a small run, once, to satisfy the OHL
> terms.
> 73,
> George K9TRV
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hpsdr <hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org> On Behalf Of Riho B.,
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:44 AM
> To: Marc OLANIE <marc.olanie at decision.fr>
> Cc: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] 16-bit ADC Gigabit ETH openHPSDR Hermes
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
*Riho ES7AAZ*
*www.qrz.com/ES7AAZ <https://www.qrz.com/db/ES7AAZ>*
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