[hpsdr] Protocol 2 firmware for Atlas based radio

Michael Carey michaelcarey at internode.on.net
Sat Aug 31 19:54:43 PDT 2024

Hi Everybody,

I've recently seen that there is now Protocol 2 firmware for the Atlas 
radio (Pennylane/Mercury/Metis).


This is piqued my interest due to it supporting PureSignal. Has anyone 
successfully upgraded their Atlas boards to Protocol 2? What software 
are you using? I can't see that Thetis has a HPSDR hardware option.

There is also a mod mentioned where you can mod Penelope to work as a 
Pennylane for improved RF output power control;

> A Penelope can easily be modified to work as a PennyLane. Solder a jumper from the PWM0 output at
> P4 pin 6 to the REFIO input to the DAC (U7) by soldering to C23 (not GND side). Then solder a 5.6k
> resistor across C48. That will provide the 2V voltage divider, same as PennyLane. Then make sure
> to check PennyLane in the SDR client software.
Has anyone in here performed this hardware mod?



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