[hpsdr] USB driver for Altas

David mcquate at sonic.net
Wed Sep 25 15:51:14 PDT 2024

I think you'll find the files you need here: 


in the .zip file. 

I have not found instructions on how to use them. (It's been at least a
decade since I used my Ozy USB interface card.) 

You'll need to have the  Ozy_Janus_V28.rbf [1]       file from 


in the current working directory when you start the radio software (eg

David  WA8YWQ 

On 2024-09-25 13:18, wbr at verizon.net wrote:

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello all, 
> Please pardon my ignorance.  I have the USB interface card and not the 
> ether-net one.  Do I need a USB driver installed before I plug 
> the USB-B cable in?  If so, is this driver still available?  And, if it is, 
> where do I find it?  I'm sorry to say that I'm a little slow.  I had the 
> ether net card, but like the fool that I am, I sold it.  Now I have to use 
> the USB interface card.  Your help will be very much appreciated. 
> 73, Bill, wf4r 
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