<meta name="CREATED" content="20060502;9403100"><meta name="CHANGED" content="20060502;14420400"> <style> <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> </style> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">Hello All,<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">There will be a Software Defined Radio Linux User Group (SDRLUG) meeting<tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif"> on TeamSpeak </font></tt>this Saturday, May 6 at 1300Z.<br><br> </font></tt> </div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">We will have a "roll call" of signed in users that will be <tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">followed by an open discussion period.</font></tt> Bring the group up to date on your activities.<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">There will be an update on the status of the
next release of DttSP for Linux.<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">See you Saturday evening, morning or afternoon depending upon where you are located.<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">The DttSP for Linux Development Team is looking for a Source Code Manager. This is a great opportunity for someone that wants to become more involved in the DttSP for Linux project. Please take a look at the "Job Description" that is posted in the Public Download directory of the HamSDR.com website. </font></tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">The direct link is ><b><font size="2"><font color="#0000cc">http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=218</font></font></b><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">< I</font></tt>f you are interested or have any questions, please send me an email at danbabc(at)yahoo.com.<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom:
0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">73,<br><br></font></tt></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><tt><font face="Arial, sans-serif">Dan N4XWE</font></tt></div> <p>
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