Hi Alex,<br><br>For file posting I would suggest you take a look at www.hamsdr.com. It is a great resource for all things SDR and is extremely easy to use. It is possible to post direct links to your upload. The transfers are fast. The file size is limited to a max of 40 megabytes, but I haven't found many data files that exceed that limit. <br><br>There is a "no brainer" signup process that gives you access.<br><br>73,<br><br>Dan N4XWE<br><br><br><br><b><i>Don AE5K <don@ae5k.us></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****<br><br>Alex wrote:<br><br>> Second, is there a place that I can post the documentation for review? Something that is linkable from hpsdr.org would be good so it can be viewed by the widest audience. I was planning on posting everything as HTML or PDFs. I can post them on my
domain, but I'd rather keep them on hprsdr.org. Even if it's just a place to e-mail them to and the website manager can post.<br>> <br>> Alex, N3NP<br><br>Alex,<br><br>I can put them on hpsdr.org if you email them to me with address of<br>"links" at "hpsdr" dot "org" and put something reasonable in the subject<br>line.<br><br>If you can find a place to put them yourself, it might be easier for you<br>to change them, and I could post just a link on the HPSDR web pages;<br>otherwise will try to keep up with any changes the same day you sent<br>them to me via email attachment.<br><br>73,<br>Don AE5K<br>HPSDR List Administrator & Web-flunkie<br>_______________________________________________<br>HPSDR Discussion List<br>To post msg: hpsdr@hpsdr.org<br>Subscription help: http://lists.hpsdr.org/listinfo.cgi/hpsdr-hpsdr.org<br>HPSDR web page: http://hpsdr.org<br>Archives: http://lists.hpsdr.org/pipermail/hpsdr-hpsdr.org/<br></blockquote><br><p>
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