<div>Lyle,</div> <div> </div> <div>With my time so tied up, all I can do is give suggestions at this time. So I'll throw out my suggestions. If my schedule ever becomes relaxed, I'll jump in :) </div> <div> </div> <div>For the Ethernet Ozy design, I make the suggestion that commands and functions need to be determined on what should be TCP type data and UDP type data to start. Only UDP data should be used from the SDR -> Computer for some non-critical data/functions.</div> <div> </div> <div>Maybe include ethernet fiber optics as well in the design. If you did that, we could call the board Hyperion, the Titan of light.</div> <div> </div> <div>As for an enclosure, I agree that some type of RF tightness is needed. Shielding the boards may be the better route, like what you see with computer TV tuners and wireless ethernet boards. I'm assuming that one side of these boards is a gound plane? If
that's the case then shields could be made inexpensively and only need to cover the component side.</div> <div> </div> <div>The HiPower PA should be totally enclosed inside the case design, basically a separate compartment inside the case with pass through connectors for interconnections.</div> <div> <BR>Just my 2 cents,</div> <div>Chris N0TTW<BR></div><p>
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