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n3evl wrote:<br>
<font color="#000099">> I think any audio popping glitches are due
to the combined processing load <br>
> of the dsp and video -- I certainly noticed a difference with
PowerSDR in <br>
> combination with HPSDR ozy/Janus at 192KHz vs 96KHz. From what I <br>
> understand, the typical CPU today can easily handle the dsp part
of the <br>
> task: its the combination of dsp and video, especially at the
higher <br>
> bandwidths that can put a strain on the overall system. My next
computer <br>
> upgrade will certainly take this into account when I choose
> <br>
> 73, Pete, N3EVL</font><br>
Correct, I noticed that in Winrad if I set the spectrum and waterfall
refresh rate to a low value, <br>
the CPU load goes down, meaning that what eats the greatest number of
CPU cycles is the graphical part of the application.<br>
The value of 50% reported in my previous message was referred to the
spectrum and waterfall running at maximum speed.<br>
Here is a screen capture of the event.<br>
73 Alberto I2PHD<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part1.05090605.08020403@weaksignals.com"
height="1024" width="1280"><br>