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Bill, thank you for responding.<BR> <BR>> I take it what you're looking for is a driver to make Ozy/Janus look <BR>> like a plain old Windows sound card?<BR><BR>
This is exactly what I am looking for ! A wdm driver would be wonderful, but a plain<BR>
old Windows sound card should work in many cases.<BR>
<BR>> I suspect there are people on the list that have the skills to do <BR>> such a thing - I've previously said I'd not do it but would be <BR>> willing to help anyone that wanted to do it. The code to talk to <BR>> Janus/Ozy is all out there and I'm willing to answer questions etc on it.<BR><BR>
Please see my questions/comments below. I think it could be possible if the<BR>
inf files are modified, but still use the same sys & dll files.<BR>
<BR>> How much is Jungo? Does anyone know if it is any good? Can you <BR>> elaborate on what else was need to complete an implementation?<BR><BR>
Jungo WinDriver is $4000 [node locked X86 or X64]- I obtained the link from the <BR>
Cypress web site as a suitabletool for FX2 driver development in all software enviroments.<BR>
The package generates source code in many different languages.<BR>
The free 30 day trial is very complete, including documentation - download at:<BR>
<A href="http://www.jungo.com/st/windriver_usb_pci_driver_development_software.html">http://www.jungo.com/st/windriver_usb_pci_driver_development_software.html</A><BR>
> If you want to use platforms other than Flex or PowerSDR, start <BR>> asking the providers of those platforms to support Janus and Ozy! My <BR>> code to read from Janus/Ozy is LGPL licensed to facilitate other non <BR>> open source programs to use it.<BR><BR>
Many "platforms" are not strictly SDR or even radio related but need the appearance <BR>
of a sound card and will not work with a "libUSB-Win32 Device"<BR>
The Jungo WinDriver software wizard created a shell OZY.ini file automatically and then <BR>
asked for more info than I was prepaired to supply, at the time. I am not a proficient <BR>
software programer, so off to learn more.<BR>
What is interesting is that the generated file was recognized by XP as a sound card, <BR>
it is available at <A href="http://members.cox.net/k9ivb/files/OZY.zip">http://members.cox.net/k9ivb/files/OZY.zip</A> <BR>
The biggest difference is that the Class and ClassGuid are different than the <BR>
libusb-flex-hpsdr.inf which is:<BR>
Class = LibUsbDevices<BR>ClassGUID = {EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567}<BR>and<BR>
OZY.inf which is:<BR>
Do you have any idea, if the "class" is changed along with the file name and following<BR>
the OZY.inf outline with the contents of the libusb-flex-hpsdr.inf, if this configuration<BR>
will allow the OZY-Janus board to still function properly ? I know I will still have to <BR>
run a "bat" file to initalize the boards.<BR>
Also is there any theory of operation available ? The block diagrams just give a flavor<BR>
but are not sufficent to decode the designers thoughts and required processes to <BR>
change anything.<BR>
Comments from anyone else with info on how to make the necessary changes would <BR>
be appreciated.<BR>
Thanks again,<BR>
Dick K9IVB<BR><br /><hr />Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_sharelife_012008' target='_new'>Get it now!</a></body>