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1. BNC/SMA - why not make footprints for both? - Personally I prefer SMA (-b, -c, -x) for an internal board - but make the board with BNC' mounted...<br /><br />2. 6 meter .Keep it simple. But make pads for those who dare to experiment.<br /><br />3. I prefer a kit with parts.....<br /><br />4. I made the G6ALU 20W PA with RD16HHF1 Fets and parts I found in my treasure hoard. I get 20 watts out, but it is difficult getting anything out on 6m . I have tried with different core types and frequency compensation schemes with mixed luck.<br /> RD15VHF1 is probably worfth a try. <br /><br />jens - oz1gap<br />
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