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Michael Kreeger;<br> I am experiencing download trouble trying to get Kirk Weedman's Verilog class Lecture 04.<br>From the web-site mentioned to download the lectures I get a 404 error file does not exits.<br><br>This is the url for the link: http://mkreeger.com/ham/verilog/Lecture04/2Lecture_04_1280by960.wmv<br><br>I missed Lecture 04. Is it still available?<br>I hope that is a simple fix.<br><br>Thanks for your help<br><br>73, Bill, wf4r<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>W.B.Runyon,Sr.<br>Amateur Radio WF4R (FM16ts)<br>Chesapeake, VA<br><br><br></body></html>