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I have just replaced the Winrad V1.33 + WinUSB-based DLL on my
weaksignals Web site :<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.weaksignals.com">http://www.weaksignals.com</a><br>
Now there are two DLLs :<br>
A normal one, which should be used in almost all the cases, named
and a low CPU consumption one, named ExtIO_HPSDR_LowCPU.dll, which is
meant for really slow PCs, let's say a monocore at 1 GHz.<br>
The difference between them is the block size used for the
communication between the kernel portion of the driver and the ring 3
part. Making that blocksize small has the beneficial effect of a really
low latency, especially when the playback is done through the<br>
Mercury DAC, but at the price of an increased CPU time, in particular
the kernel CPU time.<br>
The LowCPU DLL uses a greater blocksize for a reduced CPU load (less
transitions between ring 0 and ring 3), but of course the latency is
Start with the normal DLL, and check the CPU load indicator of Winrad.
It it becomes too often red, then use the other one.<br>
And remember when installing the WinUSB driver, to follow the advice in
my previous message, i.e.<br>
- After the install, switch off the HPSDR hardware<br>
- Reboot the PC<br>
- Switch on HPSDR again<br>
I am now editing my source code adding the relevant copyright notice
(thanks Bill), and will upload to the SVN repository the source code of<br>
the DLL, which contains in it, in a separate module, the WinUSB code. I
have also rewritten the utilities for loading the microcode into the FX2<br>
and the firmware into the Mercury FPGA. They are not anymore separate
utilities, it is all done seamlessly inside the initialization code of
Feedbacks are obviously welcome<br>
73 Alberto i2PHD<br>