<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>1. The low pass filter at the D/A output is between two transformers. I wonder if it would be better to build a blaanced filter with the transformer center taps grounded. Maybe float the whole thing to avoid ground noise. no extra parts.</DIV>
<DIV>2. A/D How about the faster part?? Mount it on the bottom of the board with a lot more thremal plane. Yes it will run hot but I like air conditioning when I get hot. MTBF??</DIV>
<DIV>When mounted on the bottom heat raises away from the die through the thermal interface.</DIV>
<DIV>3. 2 cascaded regulators going 12 to 5 volts. I wonder if the first one could be a resistor and zener to save area. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Keep the LEDs, nice life monitor. Frank WA1GFZ</DIV></td></tr></table>